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The Benefits of Floating

We can all agree this statement is true: stress causes and worsens illness.

Float tanks work by creating the ideal stress-free environment for the human body and mind. 

Gravity Reduction

The density of the salt water puts the floater in an environment where approximately 80% of the gravity we usually feel is no longer affecting our body. We use a large portion of our mental and physical resources counteracting the force of gravity on a moment to moment basis. Relief of this effort leaves our body with a surplus of energy and processing power at its disposal. When left with this abundance, our body spends its efforts on resting, recuperating, and healing anything that needs attention. In addition to this, the gravity-reduced environment allows our body to decompress, especially throughout the joints and the spinal column.

Image by NASA
Stressed Woman

Stress Relief

Our fight-or-flight system gives priority to a select number of faculties at the expense of most of our basic regulatory functions. This is an effective means of surviving a tricky situation, but it's not how our bodies are meant to run long-term. A plethora of ailments arise from our bodies not being able to return to their comfortable homeostasis. Floatation tanks might be the most relaxing environment we can put our bodies into. Stress relief comes almost instantly from floating. Benefits get stronger and last longer the more you float.

Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is Magnesium Sulfate Heptahydrate (MgSO4·7H2O). It is most commonly mined from the earth. Although more research is needed, there is some evidence that Magnesium is absorbed into the body during an Epsom salt bath. This is notable considering the fact that the majority of Americans (an estimated 70%) are theorized to be deficient in Magnesium. 



Quieting the mind is no easy task. Some people just can't get the hang of it. Floatation therapy has been referred to as the "Express route to the benefits of meditation.” Removing ALL external stimuli and eliminating the persistent distraction known as the body works wonders to quiet the mind and obtain the kind of deep calm meditation masters spend countless hours trying to achieve. You CAN meditate, floating can help. Floating increases Theta brain wave activity which is the ultimate key to relaxation and deep meditation. Floating gives inexperienced meditators a leg-up. It also helps experienced meditators reach new realms .

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Enhanced Creativity & Problem Solving

To put it simply, floatation allows the mind to be set completely free. When you are without stimulation or distraction, formulating new and innovative ideas suddenly becomes much easier. Many floatation users speak of "epiphanies" had within the tank. Breakthroughs regarding life in general as well as specific problems. The benefits to creativity are also well documented. In fact, floatation has been the basis for a variety of art-centric programs, studies and books.

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6150 Village View Dr. Suite 104

WDM, IA 50266

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