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What if I’m claustrophobic?

Once you're floating effortlessly within the lightproof tank, you lose any real sense of the size of the tank. The interior of the tank is larger than the interior of most vehicles. You can't feel the walls or floor unless you drift into them, or purposefully reach for them. It is quite literally like being suspended in outers pace. Claustrophobia by and large is a condition that hinges on feelings of helplessness as well as the ability to see your surroundings. Within the tank, you maintain complete control of the situation at all times. You can leave the interior light on, or use the tank with the door left open if you wish. The door is lightweight plastic and there are no latches. The tank is not air-tight. In fact there are several large air holes directly above where your head will be. You have complete freedom to exit the tank whenever you like.

Most claustrophobic people find it is quite easy to relax once within the tank. It is in our very nature to relax when exposed to such a calm, quiet, almost womb-like environment. Many phobia sufferers actually find the tank to be an excellent catalyst for working through their fears. You can read more about addressing floater fears here. 


How do you clean the tanks?

Clients shower before entering the tank and again after the session. Between each session we manually examine the tank with a high-powered flashlight. The water is also filtered three times, then further sanitized with ozone and a small amount of food grade H2o2. These are all extra precautions, seeing as how it is difficult for any organism to thrive in an environment as salty as float tank solution. Float tanks have been in use for more than 60 years; there is not one confirmed case of a user falling ill due to contaminated solution. Float tanks have an unparalleled history of safety and are much cleaner than any public pool. 


Should I buy a 60 or 90 minute session?

We recommend the 90 minute session for all clients, especially beginner floaters. For the first few sessions you might find it takes 30-45 minutes to just let go of your own body tension and mind chatter. As a result, you get more of the "good part" of the float by staying in longer. This settling in process shortens over time with multiple floats. Deep relaxation takes practice! We highly recommend committing to the longer session and doing your best to push through the first-float difficulties, but of course you are always free to exit the tank early if necessary. 


Can I drown if I fall asleep in there?

No, It is safe to sleep in the tank. Even those people who say they never sleep on their backs in bed, sleep on their backs in the float tank. It is very difficult to roll over during a session because of the density of the solution. Additionally, you would wake up the second the salt solution touched your eyes, nose or mouth.


Do I need to float more than once?

Floating is a life-improvement practice that requires commitment; much like meditation, a healthy diet, or an exercise regimen. Studies on floating show that consistent sessions are the key to obtaining the kind of profound, well-documented mental and physical benefits floating has to offer. Some people find the first few sessions to be physically and/or mentally challenging.

You might feel a bit awkward or anxious. You might not get as relaxed as you'd hoped. You might not feel like you "got anywhere." THIS IS VERY NORMAL. Please commit to at least 2-3 sessions. Even if you disliked your first session, you may be shocked by how different the second session feels. If you find the float tank environment to be challenging it is not a sign that floating isn't for you. In fact it likely means just the opposite. The benefits ARE worth it.


Can I float if I’m pregnant?

Many centers have reported that pregnant woman are some of the most satisfied float customers. During a session, all the weight of the baby can be effectively removed from the mother’s body, a welcome relief in the 8th or 9th month. There have also been reports of women having deep levels of connection with their unborn children while floating. Experiences such as hearing the baby's heartbeat, or feeling the baby move for the first time in early pregnancy are common. Floating is known to be safe throughout all stages of pregnancy, however we ask that pregnant women obtain permission from their care provider prior to booking a session. 


Are you SURE I will float?

Yes, absolutely without a doubt YOU will float - like a cork! The 10" deep solution is SO DENSE you are guaranteed to float regardless of your height, weight or fitness level.


Is there a weight limit?

There is no weight limit. Clients must be able to enter and exit the tank unassisted. Anyone concerned with this is welcome to come visit the center and see the tanks in person before booking a session. 


Is there anything I should do to prepare?

Don’t ingest any stimulants (including coffee) for several hours beforehand. Don’t shave or wax since the salt water can sting your skin. Eating a light meal about an hour to 90 minutes ahead of time stops your stomach from making distracting noises while you float. You may want to limit liquids beforehand so you don't have to leave the tank for a bathroom break.


Can I float if I’m menstruating?

Yes.  Please just follow the same protocol you would for a swimming pool.


Who shouldn't float?

People with cuts, open sores or rashes. People with incontinence issues. People with a contagious illness, or people who have been ill within the two weeks prior to their scheduled session. People with any type of uncontrolled seizure disorder. People who lack the physical ability to enter and exit the tank unassisted. The front lip of the tank is 20" high and you must be able to step over this to get in and out of the tank. There are no grab bars. 


What if I just permed/colored my hair?

Please wait until your hair has been washed 3-4 times before floating. Floating is not known to damage hair color/perms however fresh color can stain the float tank solution (and our towels). If there is any chance you think your hair color might bleed please bring your own towel. 


Do I need to bring anything?

We do not provide hair brushes or combs. Other than that, we provide everything you need (hair dryer, towels, robes, slippers, earplugs, body wash/shampoo.) Our shower products are hypoallergenic and unscented. 


Do I wear anything in the tank?

Since it is a private experience, you do not wear anything. Clothing presses against your body, becoming a distraction. Floating in the nude also helps us keep detergents and such from getting into the tank solution. Every tank room has a locking door.


Do I have to stay in the whole time?

There aren’t any latches on the tank doors and you may exit at any time


Do I get dehydrated from soaking for so long?

No, your skin doesn’t prune up thanks to the Epsom salt. Epsom salt has a conditioning effect on skin and hair.


What will it be like for me?

We don't know what it will be like for you since it is such an individual experience. The most common reports are profound peace and relaxation, deep concentration and creativity. We like to avoid saying too much before people use the tank so that they aren't influenced by what someone else says. Not only will it be different for you than it is for anyone else, it will be different each time.


Will I be able to resume my daily activities when I get out?

Yes. It may be good to arrange your time so you don't have to rush. Many people enjoy savoring the peace and quiet before jumping into something hectic.


Is there a cumulative effect of using the tank on a regular basis?

ABSOLUTELY YES. There is a cumulative effect with consistent use of the tank. This is not only documented by research, it is very obvious to any consistent user of the tank. Relaxation is a learned art requiring dedication and practice.


Is this sensory deprivation?

The term "sensory deprivation" describes areas of scientific research that observe the effects of reduced environmental stimulation. The words are an unfortunate choice for those of us who are presenting the floating experience as something pleasant, attractive and relaxing. We notice that people run away when they hear the possibility of any form of deprivation. As a result we are careful to point out that the senses are fully operational and in fact, the senses are very pleased to be relieved from the prevalent atmosphere of sensory overload. Stimulus reduction is a more accurate description of the tank environment.

6150 Village View Dr. Suite 104

WDM, IA 50266

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